Labor Unions at any organization, establishment or firm, serves as a voice for the union members of the place. It is of little wonder then that in many organizations, unionized workers sometimes enjoy lots of benefits as compared to workers not belonging to a union. The role labor unions play towards ensuring better work conditions for the union members cannot be overemphasized.
Among the numerous roles, labor unions play in an establishment or company includes fighting for increased wages for workers, improving safety standards for workers, fighting for promotion, among others. One other important area of good work conditions for workers in a place is optimum health care.
Health care is of paramount importance in any organization. When a firm devotes time and money to provide adequate healthcare for its workers, it might be saving more while spending more. In a nutshell, proves true the adage that health is wealth.
Unfortunately, though, some organizations are slack in this respect. They fail to provide adequate health care for their workers. It is here that the labor union comes in, ensuring the workers get the health care they deserve. Some ways this can be done are considered below.
First and foremost, the executives of the union can discuss with the organization about the current healthcare status of workers in the said establishment. Then the demands or needs that will ensure better health care will be tabled. This might range from providing a first aid kit within the work environment, building a healthcare center within the premises, or even getting health insurance for the workers.
Once a consensus positive decision has been taken with the management, executives of the trade union can then communicate this with the union members using bulk SMS, a channel of communication that by now should be used extensively by the trade union. When new provisions are made by the company towards better healthcare for its workers, the union acquaint the workers with this using bulk SMS.
Safety protocols and good healthcare are equally closely related. Therefore, the union can make it a point of duty to occasionally send safety tips to the workers in the firm. These are brief and specific messages that are easy to understand. Additionally, if the company has put in place a new provision that further enhances the welfare of the workers; workers can be trained on how to take advantage of such provisions using SMS.
Also, if the company is a very big one and workers are exposed to dangers often, the union can provide a dedicated shortcode that can be used to report cases of emergencies. When such occurs, those close by can inform the appropriate health department of it promptly using the mobile phone, and instant assistance can be provided.
If after deliberations, the management still does not provide the relevant things towards ensuring the overall well-being of the workers, then peaceful demonstrations can suffice. If this is a resort, bulk SMS can be used effectively to rally all the union members in no time to turn up in mass and fight for that which is their right.
Bulk SMS can equally be used to get feedback from the union members on what they think of the firm’s healthcare status. Once their fears are expressed, the executives can then take this to the management and it is worked on.
To effectively carry out all this, communication between the union executive, within the trade union itself, and with the organization in question is very important. It is these needs that bulk SMS solves. All you need to do is sign up for a free bulk SMS account with a quality service provider like SmartSMSSolutions, save the phone numbers of your union members in an online phonebook and keep sending your messages with ease and at low cost.
With this provision, guaranteeing optimum healthcare for your union members won’t be a problem.
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