A phone number database is a collection of phone numbers, which are then organized and stored for use. Any organization that prioritizes marketing and communicates valuable information to people needs a phone number database. Non-governmental organizations are also not left out in this regard.
Bulk SMS is an effective communication tool for all organizations, NGOs inclusive. Therefore, if the NGO is going to be sending specific targeted SMS to people, a phone number database is very important.
Just as had been mentioned, you need a phone number database for your organization for bulk messages. Here are some of the things an NGO can use bulk SMS for:
- Create awareness among the public of the invention and role of the NGO
- Communicate mission statement with the general public
- Internal communication with those in charge of running the NGO
- Intimate the public of ongoing projects that affects them
- Sending an invitation to seminars, training, and workshops
- Get emergency aids or instant public mobilization
- To get feedback from the general public
- Communicate with other NGOs in your purview
Given these many roles, bulk SMS can play in the overall success of the organization, getting a phone number database becomes a necessity. But how exactly can they get this?
There are several ways NGOs can get a phone number database to run their organization and forward important information to the right persons that need such information. Here are some of the ways to do that:
- START FROM THOSE YOU KNOW: When you set up your organization, you already know what you want to do. So, to start gathering phone numbers for a database, speak with friends and families. This is a nice place to get started. They can also go their way to get more numbers for your phone number database.
- TALK WITH OTHER NGOs: Most likely there are other NGOs that specialize in the same area which you are planning to delve into or already do. Another way to get phone numbers is to go to this organization(s) and request it. Since NGOs are not profit-oriented but just a service, the organization shouldn’t see this as a competition but instead as help and will surely oblige to the request.
- SET UP A WEBSITE: You are going to need one if you want to accomplish all your objectives as an NGO. Websites get you recognition online and you can equally get phone numbers of people using this. Having explained the roles you want to play, you can directly request that people drop their numbers for targeted updates on your projects or you can make them register as a beneficiary and give the phone number as a requirement for registration.
- GET FROM LEADERS IN YOUR TARGET GROUP: For any NGO, there is a target group, the people you want to reach out to. It might be in a particular community or a class of people. There are associations and groups where these people belong to. You can also get phone numbers from these.
- FROM GOVERNMENT AGENCIES: If there are government agencies that specialize in the area where your NGO does, they most probably have a phone number database. Once you’ve stated your mission and it's considered okay by the agency, you can be sure to get numbers from them.
- AT SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS: As an NGO, one thing you will be doing a lot is seminars, training, and workshops. For such seminars, you can make it open to the general public, using the media and banners, anything that will create awareness. At such seminars, you can now get phone numbers of attendees that are not in your database already and add them up.
As has been enumerated above, the uses of bulk SMS for NGOs are numerous and with the steps already considered, you can get the phone number database you need.
But, you’ll need a bulk SMS account. If you do not have one yet, register for free now, get free SMS units, and enjoy the thrilling bulk SMS experience on SmartSMSSolutions.