The way the system that controls the process of sending SMS works is in estimating the total amount required to send a particular message to the number of recipients you are about to send to, at the moment you click the “SEND” button on your SMS page. When you do not have enough units to send the SMS to everyone, the system picks this up and might either not send to anyone at all, or send to some and return others as failed due to “Insufficient Balance”.
Before now, the response is just limited to “Insufficient Balance” without details on how much value is needed. However, you can now see the total exact value you need to push through the failed messages when you have insufficient balance.
Hence, when you encounter this situation, all you need to do is top up your account with the value you need in order to send the failed SMS. If you still have a balance in your wallet, all you need to do is to add up to the balance to get up to what is needed to send.
Next, proceed to your Recipients’ Analysis page, extract the phone numbers that failed due to insufficient balance and then come back to the SMS page and resend the message to them.
The goal of this change is to ensure insufficient units do not prevent you from successfully delivering SMS to all your recipients, as you are provided with firsthand information of this issue and how to handle it right away.
We hope you find this very helpful. Don’t hesitate to reach us on 07034243326 | 08035515868 if you need further assistance with this new feature.