There are quite several online marketing strategies on a rampage today, each of them offering different approaches to the areas of advertisement and marketing. If you are going into a marketing campaign though, you will want to make sure you are expending your time, energy, and resources on the right strategies that yield results.
Here we look at five top reasons why you must consider SMS marketing when making a choice. 2 solid reasons have already been considered. Relive reason 1 and reason 2. Here is the 3rd reason bulk SMS has an edge.
3. TRACKABILITY: For you to be sure you are pushing out your resources in the right areas, every marketer needs a system that helps track the response of people to their marketing message and the level of action taken. Let’s see how bulk SMS and email compares in this regard.
- EMAIL: Many email systems are optimized to measure how many persons open the mail, how many discarded it, and how many took the call to action. This is achieved from the links and contact information added in a mail.
- BULK SMS: In the area of trackability, bulk SMS equally does fine here. Common in many marketing SMS links, contact information, and shortcodes. Regardless of what the action to be taken is, it’s easy to know if the campaign is proving successful or not from the call to action contents of the message.
- RESULT: Both have an optimized system that allows the marketer to measure the success of the marketing campaign. This of course depends on what each firm has in place. Bulk SMS though provides a system that is much easier to track.
If you need a quality and affordable bulk SMS platform for your marketing campaigns, SmartSMSSolutions is the smartest solution to satisfy your need. You can register a free bulk SMS account right away and start your SMS marketing campaign today.
Don’t see how bulk SMS marketing can influence your business for good yet? Check here the top 10 reasons why the best marketers use bulk SMS.
Are there any other areas where email and bulk SMS varies in their suitability for marketing purposes that we must have omitted? Let us know.